

Monday, November 19, 2012

Adopt a Family

As you contemplate what service project to do this Christmas season, please consider adopting a family or woman from Genesis Women's Shelter. Genesis clients are women and children who have experienced domestic violence. Most will receive very little this Christmas. Last year, a family in the community adopted a family with a little boy who had never received any present on Christmas. During years past, his mom would have to tell him that Santa Claus ran out of toys or Santa Claus couldn't get to all of the kids in the world. But last year this little boy woke up Christmas morning to a few toys under the tree. He exclaimed, "Mom! Santa Claus finally came to my house!" His mom told me that she felt so grateful for the love and support from the community.

To adopt someone this year, please email Mrs. Murphey Sears at msears[at]genesisshelter[dot]org. Let her know how big of a family you want to adopt (# of people) and she will send you the info. You can learn more about the Christmas Giving program by clicking HERE.

To learn more about Genesis, click HERE.

1 comment:

Jeanne Grant said...

I love this idea Ruth - thank you