

Friday, May 14, 2010

A bribe!

As a mother of seven children, I am never above a bribe to get a good thing going! We have some excellent service projects and interest groups helping us be more charitable, better prepared, and aware of "temple" needs.
This Sunday, May 16th, we will bring something special for the women who have read the last 6 entries on this blog (or check out the right hand column of the blog) and are NOW aware of what is happening/offered in our Dallas 4th Relief Society. (No blessing for a guess - you need to be aware of ALL that is going on!!!)


Karen Bateman said...

I am aware Sister Grant - of what is going on in this Dallas 4th Relief Society - what a blessing to belong!

Quay said...

Bless you for the email the other day! I tried to get to the blog earlier this week. I had written it down incorrectly and did not find the address on the ward website. I've been meaning to call someone...

barbara said...

I am aware of very little in general!)but appreciate all you do for the sisters for whom you have stewardship.