

Monday, September 17, 2012


Family Search Indexing Instructions

Summary: To perform indexing you must download and install a program on your computer. You will run this program to download a batch of forms to index and to perform the indexing. The program requires the internet to download and submit the data.

1. Obtain username and password on LDS.org. Can use the same username and password for indexing as well. Need member record number if you have not signed up yet.

2. Go to "https://familysearch.org/volunteer/indexing/"

3. Select "Get Started" to download the FamilySearch Indexing Program. Note that there are a list of Getting Started Questions and answers that you can read to get additional info.

4. Load the program on your computer.

5. Use the username and password that you setup in Step 1 to log in.

6. If this is your first time running the program, it will ask you questions about which Stake you are in etc...

7. Once the program is up and running and you have logged in, you will want to download a Batch so that you can start to index. I think they will give you a simple one if it is your first time.

8. Choose the Beginning level ones at first.

9. Remember, you can always return the Batch if it is too difficult or you just want to start anew. You have a week to submit a Batch, so you don't have to finish all at once.

10. There are several really good videos on www.youtube.com that provide information on how to index. Go to www.youtube.com and type "Getting Started with Indexing". A good example can be found at:

FamilySearch Indexing Quick Start (latest)

1 comment:

Jeanne Grant said...

EXCELLENT efforts here Ruth - thank you!