

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Our Building - Our Tithe

Back "in the old days", the church building was each branch/ward's responsibility. I remember when we wanted a new building in El Centro California and our Bishop told us that he submitted our request for a "real" ward building. Church Headquarters gave us permission to build but we had to raise 50% of the cost and they would do the rest. It took us two years of fund raisers and constant pleading from our Bishop to get the monies needed to build. We helped with the building and then continued to help clean the building and keep up the grounds.
In the 1990's, tithing funds were such that the "Church" took care of all building needs and maintenance. Our building had its own janitor and then it moved to a cleaning crew that would come in during the week and clean.
Now, we are back to the "good old days" where Church Headquarters (because of global expansion and use of our tithing) is asking us to take care and have full responsibility for the cleaning of our building. To me, it is part of my tithe to the Lord.
Because tithing funds were used to build this building, we all are "part owners" of it. It is only reasonable that we would clean and take care of what is ours. No more "maid service"!
For the next four months, our ward is responsible for the cleaning of the building. We will rotate the assignments by direction of the Bishop. It is a blessing to have this building and it is a blessing to take care of it - especially if we have asked for any help from the ward/Bishop!
Let's make time to help clean the building on the upcoming Saturdays as requested by the Lord, Church Headquarters, our Stake President, and the Bishop!

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