

Thursday, April 14, 2016


This lesson is a global picture of sharing the Gospel to all kindred, tongues and people. President Hunter talks about the walls individuals face in life that impede them from sharing the gospel. President Hunter asks us to look around our neighborhood and introspectively ask ourselves what are the top 3 obstacles in our lives when it comes to sharing the gospel? Write them down and bring them to class. Also write down the first step you could take to overcome one of these barriers. Please! You may be rewarded for your diligence!

 Many of you have served missions, as well as your husbands, that is stage one. We, of course, send our missionary sons and daughters. and also grandchildren, as missionaries throughout the world. That is stage 2. Now we are in Stage 3, the Member Missionary, President Hunter states "We need to lift our vision beyond personal prejudices." "We need to discover the supreme truth that indeed our Father is no respecter of persons" The Gospel of Jesus Christ will bless and enrich every soul. President Hunter also said, " A great indicator of one's personal conversion is the desire to share the gospel with others". Put on your"imaginary badge" and come prepared to knock down some of your obstacles in sharing the gospel.

 See you Sunday,
Karen Bateman

1. How have you been blessed through the Atonement?
2. What does the Atonement have to do with Missionary work?
3. How have you been blessed by the Gospel?
4. What can you do to increase your desire to share the gospel?
5. Do you regularly include the gospel in your daily conversations?
6 When was the last time you shared the gospel with someone? How did it go?
7. Do you believe the Lord will help you overcome all obstacles in sharing the Gospel?

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