

Friday, February 5, 2016

"My Peace I Give Unto You"

We live in a world where conflict and unrest seem to be ever present. People are longing for peace and tranquility.

 On Sunday, we will study Chapter 2 of the Teachings of Presidents: Howard W Hunter: "My Peace I Give unto You."

 "... Indifference to the Savior or failure to keep the commandments of God brings about insecurity, inner turmoil, and contention. These are the opposite of peace. Peace can come to an individual only by an unconditional surrender -- surrender to him who is the Prince of peace, who has the power to confer peace."

 What experiences have helped you come to know this truth? How can we receive this peace that Jesus offers?

 Sisters, please study this chapter and come prepared to discuss how, through the Savior, we can have peace in our lives, even during difficult times.

 I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

 Sister Marstella

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