

Friday, October 23, 2015

Thy Kingdom Come

I am excited to discuss Neil L. Anderson's talk Thy Kingdom Come from the April 2015 Sunday Afternoon Conference Session. I have enjoyed studying his simple message about recognizing the Lord's hand in preparing for the second coming of our Savior. I was especially touched by his words:

"We are far from perfect, but we are not casual in our faith. We believe in Him. We worship Him. We follow Him. We deeply love Him. His cause is the greatest cause in all the world . . . We rejoice in these days and pray that we will be able to courageously face our struggles and uncertainties." 

I loved the faith-promoting stories Elder Anderson told about the faithful saints in regions around the world where the Lord's work and kingdom are moving forward. I invite each of you to ponder his questions:

"Can you see the hand of God moving His work forward? Can you see the hand of God in the lives of the missionaries in Haiti or the Kaivaivatanas in Thailand? Can you see the hand of God in the lives of the Assards and the Affoues? Can you see the hand of God in your own life?" 

With Elder Anderson, I express my gratitude for the hand of God in my life. Each of us anticipates our Savior's second coming with bright faith. Each of us plays an instrumental part in preparing for that day as we serve in our seemingly small roles and strive to share the sweet message of the gospel. I sincerely love each of you and I'm grateful for who you are.

 Love, Claira

1 comment:

Rachel Roark said...

I was wondering how in the world one spells "Kaivaivatanas" ;) Looking forward to the lesson!