

Friday, March 13, 2015

"Principles of True Repentance"

Sisters -

After almost 3 1/2 months, I am so happy to be healthy and back in the Dallas 4th Ward again. The lesson this week is Number 5 in the Ezra Taft Benson Manual entitled "Principles of True Repentance" As you read through the lesson - Please ponder the following questions:

1. What principle of the gospel is repentance?
2. What is the principle that precedes true repentance? Why?
3. How does "Godly Sorrow"differ from feeling regret for something you have done wrong?
4. What are the two separate but different parts of true repentance?
5. What prominent role does Satan play in repentance?
6. How do we qualify to be members of Christ's Church?
7. How is a "Mighty Change of Heart" different from a change in behavior?

Take time to prayerfully consider your own life, what needs to be corrected in order to return and live with our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ?

General Conference is almost here and I still miss Neal Maxwell, and his beautiful words, I close with four quotes from him on Repentance:

"Repentance requires both turning away from evil and turning to God. . . Initially this turning reflects progress from telestial to terrestrial behavior, and later on to celestial behavior. As the sins of the telestial world are left behind, the focus falls evermore steadily upon sins of omission, which often keep us from full consecration." What is a sin of omission Sisters?

"God ask us now to give up only those things which, if clung to, will destroy us!"

"Cleansing repentant circumstances are to be welcomed even if the scrubbing is painful"

"When you and I make unwise decisions, if we have frail faith we not only demand to be rescued but we want to be rescued privately, painlessly,quickly - or at least to be beaten with only a few strips." (2 Nephi 28:8) Sisters how can we really feel forgiven until we first feel responsible? How can we really learn from our own experiences unless these lessons are owned up to?

See you Sunday,
Sister Karen Bateman

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