

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Are we HEAVEN ...Ready?

I am on NewFamilySearch getting some family names ready to take to the temple. It has flashed through my mind that I wonder if these individuals are ready to hear and accept the covenants that I will preform for them vicariously. Then, of course, I reflect on my own attitude and testimony.
I am getting these names "TEMPLE READY". But I wonder if I appreciate that the temple is to make me "HEAVEN READY".
Here are the questions I ask myself:
1. Am I making temple attendance a priority? I do not have any children at home and can go whenever I want - so - when do I go?
2. Do I know the temple schedule? For instance, the temple will be closed on April 23 and not reopen till May 10 - am I going to make temple worship this week a MAJOR priority?
3. Do I actively seek to find the names of those in my family who have gone on before me? I know THEY know I live 5 minutes from a temple. I know THEY know I understand somewhat the nature of the "post-mortal" world and that they went before me so I could come now and do this work for them.
4. Do I fully appreciate that my actions now speak VOLUMES about my desire to live with my Father in Heaven and my Elder Brother Jesus Christ?
I want to be temple worthy...Temple Ready...AND HEAVEN SENT!

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