

Monday, August 20, 2012

Are You Suffering From Terminal Busy-ness?

Dear Sisters,
I have missed you! This Sunday we get to discuss the teachings of our beloved prophet Thomas S. Monson.
In his talk "The Race of Life", he teaches us about how focusing on TRUTH helps us as we make our way in a world that is increasingly complex and stressful. I found it interesting that our RS president had also chosen to discuss the importance of TRUTH earlier this month.  How do the TRUTHs found in the Plan of Happiness save us from becoming terminally busy? I look forward to sharing what you have discovered.
See you on Sunday!
Love, Sister Stoddard

To read the talk, click HERE.


Ruth said...

Thank you for posting this Sister Stoddard. I look forward to the lesson Sunday.

Jeanne Grant said...

I have missed YOU!