

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Immortality of the Soul

Hello my friends and sisters,

On Sunday April 15th we will share our thoughts and feelings about chapter 7 "The Immortality of the Soul" from the Teachings of George Albert Smith. Our Soul is the combination of our spirit and our body. Immortality is about us being eternal beings. Our mortal life is between our premortal life (living with our Father in Heaven as spirit children) and our next life where we will hopefully live with God again (our body and spirit reunited). I love the way President Smith reminds us we are now in the middle of our eternal life.

So, think about how you may want to live your life if you are in the middle, not the beginning of your life or the end of your life. It is said that "time stops for no man."

See you Sunday!

With love,

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