

Friday, February 24, 2017

Valiant in the Testimony of Jesus - Elder Quentin L. Cook

“We cannot afford to have our testimonies of the Father and Son become confused and complicated by stumbling blocks.”

“To stumble spiritually is to fall into sin or waywardness. A stumbling block can be anything that distracts us from achieving righteous goals.” What stumbling blocks do we have in our own lives and how can we get rid of them or overcome them?

Examples of stumbling block:

• Philosophies of men
o The adversary likes to lead people away by emphasizing the philosophies of men over the Savior’s teachings. 

• Refusing to see sin in its true light
o “Many people engage in sinful conduct but refuse to consider it sinful. They have no remorse or willingness to acknowledge their conduct as being morally wrong.” 
o “A merciful God had provided a space for repentance.” 

• Looking beyond the mark
o Gospel extremism – “When one elevates any gospel principle above other equally important principles and takes a position that is beyond or contrary to the teachings of Church leaders.” 
 o “When we elevate any principle in a way that lessens our commitment tooth or equally important principles or take a position contrary to or which exceeds teachings of Church leaders, we are looking beyond the mark.”

-Natalie Buttars

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Dear Sisters,

This Sunday we will be talking about “Getting the Living Water to the End of the Row” by President Monroe. I hope you saved his handout from Ward Conference because we will be using that as the platform for our discussion. Please read it again and be prepared to talk about the impact it might have had on your life and think about how the principles that were covered also apply to our Relief Society.

I look forward to this time and finding how you have worked this topic into your own life. I love the Gospel that brings us closer to the Savior in our daily lives and improves us in our thinking and in our doing.

Love to you,
Karen Armstrong