

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The First Great Commandment

"Did you love me?" How will you answer that question when the Lord asks? Will you answer as Peter did, "Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee"? Or, will you understand the deeper meaning which the Lord intended? " If ye love me, keep my commandments." In Relief Society Sunday, we will explore our love for the Lord and what is expected of us if we truly love Him. In Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's conference talk, "The First Great Commandment" from October 2012, he profoundly describes exactly what the Lord intends for us to do to profess our love for Him. Please read and be prepared to discuss the Lord's life, ministry and teachings. The choices we make every day reflect the love we have for our Lord...or do they? When we profess our love for our Savior, when we publicly declare that we believe, when we choose to join the Church, we accept His commission to follow Him. As Elder Holland reminds us, "the crowning characteristic of love is loyalty."

Marcia Lindley

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