

Saturday, April 30, 2016

"See Yourself In The Temple"

Elder Quentin L. Cook spoke in this past General Conference. His talk was titled, "See Yourself in the Temple." Tomorrow in Relief Society we will be reviewing this conference address.

Some things to ponder before the lesson:

1) Why does the Lord command his people to build temples?
2) What are the purposes of the temple?
3) How can we prepare to attend the temple?

Elder Cook said, "The combination of increased numbers of temples and advanced technology to fulfill our sacred family history responsibilities for our ancestors makes this the most blessed time in all history."

Elder Cook quotes Brigham Young, "There is not one thing the Lord could do for the salvation of the human family that he has neglected to do; ... all that can be accomplished for their salvation, independent of them, has been accomplished in and by the Savior."

Ponder these thoughts and be prepared to participate in a great discussion about the blessings of the temple.

 I love you sisters.

Natalie Marstella

Friday, April 22, 2016

It Works Wonderfully! By President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

This is a great lesson that gives each of us the opportunity to evaluate how effectively we are living the gospel and letting it into our lives. How well is the gospel working for you?

“Tell a man there are trillions of stars in the universe, and he’ll believe you. Tell him there’s wet paint on the wall, and he’ll touch it just to be sure.” Aren’t we all a little bit like this? Sometimes, the truth may just seem too straightforward, too plain, and too simple for us to fully appreciate its great value. So we set aside what we have experienced and know to be true in pursuit of more mysterious or complicated information. Hopefully we will learn that when we chase after shadows, we are pursuing matters that have little substance and value.”

Please ponder the following question. “When it comes to spiritual truth, how can we know that we are on the right path?” What has occurred in your own life that has let you know you’re on the correct path or that has let you know when you need to alter your direction?

“Are we making our discipleship too complicated? This beautiful gospel is so simple a child can grasp it, yet so profound and complex that it will take a lifetime—even an eternity—of study and discovery to fully understand it. Brothers and sisters, living the gospel doesn’t need to be complicated.”

“If we look at ourselves only through our mortal eyes, we may not see ourselves as good enough. But our Heavenly Father sees us as who we truly are and who we can become. He sees us as His sons and daughters, as beings of eternal light with everlasting potential and with a divine destiny.”

“When someone asks us, “How is being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints working for you?” we will be able to say with pride, in all humility, and with great joy, “It works wonderfully! Thank you for asking! Would you like to know more?”

Much love,

Sister Buttars

Thursday, April 14, 2016


This lesson is a global picture of sharing the Gospel to all kindred, tongues and people. President Hunter talks about the walls individuals face in life that impede them from sharing the gospel. President Hunter asks us to look around our neighborhood and introspectively ask ourselves what are the top 3 obstacles in our lives when it comes to sharing the gospel? Write them down and bring them to class. Also write down the first step you could take to overcome one of these barriers. Please! You may be rewarded for your diligence!

 Many of you have served missions, as well as your husbands, that is stage one. We, of course, send our missionary sons and daughters. and also grandchildren, as missionaries throughout the world. That is stage 2. Now we are in Stage 3, the Member Missionary, President Hunter states "We need to lift our vision beyond personal prejudices." "We need to discover the supreme truth that indeed our Father is no respecter of persons" The Gospel of Jesus Christ will bless and enrich every soul. President Hunter also said, " A great indicator of one's personal conversion is the desire to share the gospel with others". Put on your"imaginary badge" and come prepared to knock down some of your obstacles in sharing the gospel.

 See you Sunday,
Karen Bateman

1. How have you been blessed through the Atonement?
2. What does the Atonement have to do with Missionary work?
3. How have you been blessed by the Gospel?
4. What can you do to increase your desire to share the gospel?
5. Do you regularly include the gospel in your daily conversations?
6 When was the last time you shared the gospel with someone? How did it go?
7. Do you believe the Lord will help you overcome all obstacles in sharing the Gospel?