

Thursday, June 23, 2016

"In Praise of Those Who Save" -- President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“Joseph Smith restored the precious truth that marriages and families are meant to be eternal.”

 “Strong marriage and family relationships require constant, intentional work.”

 Reflect on your own marriage and family relationships. (With children, parents, siblings, etc.) What can you personally do to increase the love and strengthen the relationship?

 “Great marriages are built brick by brick, day after day, over a lifetime… If it appears to take forever, remember: happy marriages are meant to last forever!”

 “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln

 “There is not one solution that covers every situation. Those who save their families are successful because they counsel with their spouse and family, seek the will of the Lord, and listen for the promptings of the Holy Ghost. They know that what is right for one family may not be right for another.”

 Come with your own ideas and personal experiences on how to strengthen family relationships and bring everyone closer to each other and to their Savior!

 Natalie Buttars

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